Portable generators are the ideal power solution for people who need electricity away from an electrical source, or for people who don’t want to invest in a stand-by generator. But for the inexperienced buyer, buying their first generator can be a bit tricky. With so many different models and features available, how do you ensure you pick the right one for your money? Well, it’s actually pretty simple, if you know what to look for.
When it comes to buying a generator Australia stores offer models that run on electricity, gasoline and propane. Portable generators typically run on liquid propane and gasoline, because their main purpose is to back up important devices during power outages, whereas electric models depend on a battery that needs to be recharged, or an electric cord. Nowadays, there are solar powered generators as well, but they’re quite large and aren’t portable due to their size. However, these models are very environmentally friendly and safe to use in enclosed areas.

But regardless of the type of generator you choose, you need to consider the power requirements. The amount of watts the generator can produce will ultimately determine the amount of devices it can power. That being said, consider all of the devices you’re going to power with the generator, and buy a generator that can produce 1.5 times the necessary wattage. The reason for this is the fact that some devices, like power tools, have a power surge when they’re started, and if that surge surpasses the generator’s capacity, it can result in either a dead generator, or a dead tool.
Additionally, portable generator Australia retailers provide models that have a variety of features. For instance, some have circuit-breaker-protected power outlets which protect against overload, low-tone mufflers that ensure quiet operation, safe power modes for sensitive electronic devices, larger or extra fuel tanks for more run time, automatic start, electric start, etc.
Last but not least, it’s important that the generator you buy is 100% safe. Portable generators that run on propane and gasoline contain carbon monoxide which can be deadly, yet you can’t see it or smell it. For that reason, only use it outdoors or in rooms where there’s an excellent ventilation. Moreover, gasoline can be extremely dangerous as it’s flammable and explosive. Don’t overfill the tank and keep it away from sparks and potential fire hazards. When the generator is powered, don’t let children around it and ensure that it’s always protected from the elements, regardless of its sturdy housing.
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